How do I expense my travel?
Expensing Travel
Sign into Concur.
Navigate to the Travel Request that was submitted and approved prior to the trip.
Click on the orange "Create Expense Report" button in the top-right area of the trip information page.
Add expenses to be reimbursed/re-allocated.
Travel Card and Ghost Card expenses to be re-allocated will appear under the "Available Expenses" tab.
Personal card charges can be added under the Create New Expense tab. Be sure to set the Payment Type for any expenses added to "Paid by Employee."
For each expense, upload an image or PDF of the corresponding receipt. Receipts should indicate the date of transaction, amount, vendor name, and payment method (last 4 digits of a credit card). If the latter is missing, you may additionally provide a bank/card statement showing the corresponding charge.
If your travel involves a conference, you must provide proof of attendance in the form of a name badge or copy of the front page of the onsite program you received.
If you attended a meeting, please provide an agenda for documentation purposes.
When filling out the form do not add your Social Security Number (SSN) and never store documents containing your SSN on University owned machines or send your SSN electronically (email or otherwise).
Be prepared to relay your SSN verbally when turning in your form, both in person and electronically.
If your travel didn't include a conference you may email the filled out travel expense form, along with any meeting agendas, to
Reimbursable Meal Rates
University of Maryland travelers will normally be reimbursed in accordance with the standard UMD travel meal per diem schedule set forth below. Receipts are not required when utilizing UMD per diem (or lower allowances as may be required by budget constraints). Additional reimbursement is not appropriate if a meal has been pre-paid as part of a conference, hotel free breakfast plan, or the like. Alcoholic beverages are not reimbursable.
If exceptional circumstances necessitate a high cost meal, reimbursement may be approved "up to actual reasonable cost with itemized receipt," pursuant to limits imposed by the unit and available funds, and as determined by the approving authority. Allowances in excess of UMD per diem are exceptions and should not be routinely approved. The traveler and approving authority for the trip are responsible for assuring the appropriateness of meal expenditures in excess of UMD per diem and are subject to audit scrutiny.
$15.00 for Breakfast
$18.00 for Lunch
$30.00 for Dinner
The current rate for domestic travel is $63 (including tax & tip) per day
For foreign travel, please visit this webpage to obtain per diem rates for the countries you travelled to.
If you attended a conference which included meals as part of the program, you cannot claim meal expenses for those meals.
Mileage Rate
Authorized persons required to use a privately owned motor vehicle for official University business will be reimbursed in accordance with the current officially approved rate. A University employee using a privately owned vehicle for travel may be reimbursed for mileage. Mileage is measured from the closer of the duty station or point of departure to destination and return for travel on days during the employee's normal work schedule. For travel on days that are not part of the employee's normal work schedule, actual mileage driven is reimbursable.
Authorized drivers will be reimbursed for reasonable parking and toll expenses incurred while conducting official business.
The University will not reimburse its employees for any increased insurance premiums or fuel expenses attributable to the use of their vehicle for business. Reimbursement for insurance and fuel is reflected in the mileage reimbursement rate.
Effective January 1, 2022 the University reimburses employees for personal mileage at the rate of $0.625 per mile.
Employees must take care to ensure that normal daily commute mileage is subtracted from the total mileage traveled.
Monetary Conversion Rate
If you are traveling internationally, unless you provide your credit card statement indicating the monetary conversion rate you were charged, we base our reimbursement to you on the OANDA rates which can be found here.
Travel Reimbursement
University of Maryland will not reimburse "no show" charges. In-room cable TV and other items of a personal nature are not reimbursable. Reimbursement for meals charged to the hotel bill must be submitted as outlined under Reimbursable Meal Rates. Extended or recurrent travel may necessitate special requirements to be coordinated by the Approving Authority, Comptroller, and Business Services Administrator on a case by case basis. An example would be a residential stay for which a lodging per diem may be established in the absence of traditional tariffs and receipts.
Traveler's Guide
The new UMD Traveler's Guide, including information on our new travel reporting system, Concur, can be found here.
Updated on: 12/05/2022
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