How do I install Cisco Jabber?
About Cisco Jabber is a "soft phone", meaning it has all or most of the functionality of your desk phone, without you actually being at your desk. With Jabber you can place and receive phone calls using your work number, as well as listen, forward, and delete your voicemail messages. Installation iOS / Android DoSome readersHow do I request a new email address?
Depending on your use case there are three different types of email accounts you can request: Google Shared Account Useful if you want one email account that multiple accounts can access. Does not work with accounts or other Google accounts. Does include a shared calendar. Google Groups A distribution list that is maintained by yourself or other managers in your group. Allows you and other managers in your group to moderate emails. PeopleFew readersWhere can I create a form or survey?
You have three options when needing to create a form: Basic The first option is to use Google Forms. Google Forms is a tool that allows collecting information from users via a personalized survey or quiz. The information is then collected and automatically connected to a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is populated with the survey and quiz responses. More information can be found here. Advanced If the Google solution isn't sufficient for your needs yFew readersWhere can I store my documents?
Cloud Services Google Drive Google Drive is online storage integrated with your other University Google applications. Save your work files to Drive and use Docs, Sheets, and Slides to edit them. You can share with co-workers and edit the same file at the same time, showing revisions and comments. Drive accounts are hosted by Google and managed by UMD’s Division of IT. All rights and responsibilities established in the UMD Policy on the Acceptable UseFew readersHow do I use Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?
Smartphone or Tablet Download the Duo App to your phone or tablet using the following links: iPhone App iPad App Android App Then use the following self-service instructions to enroll, add, remove, or reactivate your device(s): First Time Enrollment (https:/Few readersHow do I install the Robin Mobile App?
Installation iOS If you use an iOS device (iPhone, iPad) you can download the free Robin - Meeting Room Booking app via the App Store Android Android users can download the Robin - Meeting Room Booking app from the Google Play Store Setup Please follow these simple steps to configure the Robin Mobile App: Launch the app Read and swipe thFew readersHow do I install Microsoft Office?
Please follow these simple steps to install the latest version of Microsoft Office: Go to Enter your email address Select Work or school account Login via CAS if prompted Select Yes if prompted to stay signed in In the upper right of the page click on Install Office Select OffiFew readersHow do I set my primary email address?
To set your primary email address to Go to ARES From the Quick Links box on the right of the page choose Change Email Address Log in using your directory ID and password Click the Email tab at the top of page You will most likely see your existing email address. If that is the case, any mail sent to your address will be forwarded to the address shown on the page. If you would like to receive email sentFew readersHow do I install GlobalProtect VPN?
Windows If your Windows computer is connected to the campus domain, you should already have the software installed and configured. All you need to do is log in using your Directory ID and Password. If your computer is not connected to the campus domain, you can download and configure the software by doing the following: Installation Visit the UMD GlobalProtect Portal Click on Download Windows 64 bit GlobalProtect agentFew readersHow do I install Windows on my Mac?
Go to the VMware Fusion page on TERPware Click Log in for access if you are not already logged in Click on the red VMware Fusion link under INSTRUCTIONS Add the item to your cart and check-out Download, install, and activate Fusion Download Windows 10, being sure to select the most recent edition Retrieve your key ( readers